Professor Zhao Kai of Taizhou University and his party were invited to inspect the Rose Planting Demonstration Base in Kanxiajin Village


Kanxia Jincun Rose Planting Demonstration Base is a joint wealth project of Taizhou University to help Sanmen County. Under the guidance of experts from Taizhou University, the project has successfully completed the first phase of construction tasks.

In order to better and faster promote the construction of the rose demonstration base, on the afternoon of September 5th, at the invitation of the Sanmen Research Institute of Taizhou University, Zhao Kai, Dean of the School of Life Sciences of Taizhou University, and Yang Qifu, Secretary of the Party Committee, went to Hengdu Town to discuss rose planting and soil. Technical exchanges were conducted on soil improvement and field management technology. The exchange meeting was held in Hengdu Town People's Government. Town leaders such as Guo Huashen, secretary of the town party committee, Zhai Huizhen, mayor, and other town leaders warmly received the expert team of Taizhou University.

At the symposium, Secretary Guo Huashen extended a sincere welcome to Dean Zhao Kai and his entourage, thanked Taizhou University for its efforts in pairing assistance, and introduced in detail the agriculture and tourism in Hengdu Town. Hengdu Town has obvious ecological advantages, rich natural resources, a long history and culture, astrological culture, sea ban culture, fishing and salt ancient road culture, red makeup culture and ancient villages are shining. At the same time, we hope to build a cooperative development platform between Hengdu Town and Taizhou University through the opportunity of pairing assistance, and look forward to extensive cooperation in the construction of grass-roots organizations, industrial assistance and talent introduction.

On behalf of the College of Life Sciences, Dean Zhao Kai expressed his gratitude to the party and government team of Hengdu Town for their warm reception, and introduced in detail the basic situation of the college's faculty, professional categories, subject background and scientific research platform. He said that Taizhou College, as a local ordinary university, takes "the secretary holding hands and developing side by side" as the general starting point, and takes Sanmen Research Institute as the platform to give full play to the school's location and talent advantages. to provide intellectual support and scientific and technological services for the optimization and upgrading of rural industries in Hengdu Town and even Sanmen County, and help to achieve common prosperity in the countryside.

Professor Jia Wenping, Executive Dean of Sanmen Research Institute, extended a warm welcome to all the experts and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Hengdu Town Government for its strong support. At the forum, Professor Jia Wenping introduced the planting scale, construction situation, management status and existing problems of the rose base, and put forward specific suggestions on how to promote the construction plan of the second phase of the common prosperity project.

After the meeting, accompanied by Mayor Zhai Huipeng and Professor Jia Wenping, Zhao Kai and his party came to Taizhou University to help the village in pairs and Kanxiajin Village, the first batch of pilot villages for future rural construction in Zhejiang Province, to visit and inspect the construction of the professor village, to investigate the growth of roses on the spot, and to provide technical guidance on rose planting technology, soil improvement, industrial development and quality evaluation.

Professor Ke Shisheng, an expert in plant ecology from the College of Life Sciences, Dr. Yan Zhenzhong, vice president of Sanmen Research Institute, Dr. Du Zhaokui, a resident cadre of Taizhou University, and members of the two committees of Kanxiajin Village participated in the whole inspection.


Text: Xu Weihong/Figure: Xu Weihong/Review: Yan Zhenzhong/Responsible Editor: Ye Xiaojing

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